12 February 2023 in Dossier The New Cold War, Lobbying


The fact that modern lobbyists can act anywhere undisturbed, they have become, in this century, fearsome competitors for the ‘old’ smugglers and arms dealers, who were forced into risky and secret negotiations, reckless banking operations that often ended in colossal scams, to put their own safety at stake at every meeting. Today, negotiations are conducted, almost in broad daylight, with a diplomatic passport in their pocket, by the same lobbyists who try to obtain contracts for construction, mechanical engineering and commercial companies.

Particularly in France, the last thirty years have seen the emergence of characters closely linked to governments, who, in exchange for the possibility of acting undisturbed in the illegal market, negotiate in the position of members of diplomatic staff, meet with sovereigns, sheikhs, ministers, bankers and industrialists and carry out work that exchanges profit for national industry for the detriment of freedom of manoeuvre in international politics: it was like this with Sarkozy, who had supported his own power with these deals, but it is still like this today, with Macron as president. A fact demonstrated by the fact that, to manage ‘certain’ affairs, there is always the same person.

The person in question is called Elies (Elyes or Lyès) Ben Chedly. Of course, we know little about him: we know about his important political and business connections in Libya, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and even the United States[1]; his luxurious cars and yachts on his Facebook page. But all we have of his story is a photo from primary school[2], where little Elies still does not know what fate awaits him. He studied as an accountant in Paris until 1995, and specialised at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM)[3], so he has been a professional accountant since 1997.

He started working as a Financial Advisor at Rothschild in 1995, and after two years became a consultant for North Africa and the Middle East at Veolia Environmental Services in Paris. Only a year later he founded Hamilton Energy & Technology Ltd., and in 2000, he registered the heart of his empire, LBC Consulting Ltd in Tunisia[4]. But he has not stopped expanding his range of activities: during the course of the years he worked as an accountant at the Consulate General of France in Dubai, as a consultant to the French government, then as head of the Department for Friendship of the Mediterranean Union and Director General of Eurasia[5].

Important connections

Lyès Ben Chedly

Ben Chedly lives in France, but also holds a Tunisian passport[6], and started working with Indian steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal[7], through whom he developed a wide range of contacts, from the former president of Mauritania, Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz (now on trial for abuse of power and corruption)[8] to Bashir Saleh, the former payments manager of the late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s regime[9]. During Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidency, Ben Chedli had close relations with Interior Minister Claude Guéant and Sarkozy’s long-time ally, businessman Nicolas Bazire[10] – two extremely controversial political figures involved in several scandals[11]. Since November 2007, Ben Chedly has also been the president of CAUMED (Cercle d’Amitié de l’Union Méditerranéenne, a lobbying association of the French National Assembly)[12].

Over the years, his relations among the most controversial men on the planet have been enriched by a new star: in 2008, Ben Chedly met for the first time Patokh Chodiev, an Uzbek oligarch and co-owner of the largest mining group in Kazakhstan, a friend of the country’s former president, Nursultan Nazarbayev (himself a friend of Sarkozy)[13]. Investigated as part of the so-called Kazakgate, on charges of having bribed officials to obtain a Belgian passport, Chodiev was acquitted, but this did nothing for his reputation[14].

The economic and military relationship between France and the UAE is a long-standing strategic relationship: as early as 1977, a military cooperation agreement was concluded between the two countries, which was strengthened in the 1990s. And in 2007 it was decided to establish a permanent French presence with the opening of a French military base in the Emirates, which was inaugurated in May 2009[15]. Elies Ben Chedly promoted two crucial UAE campaigns in France. In 2019, the UAE is organising a ‘Year of Tolerance’ campaign in Paris[16] (as part of which a reception was hosted for Pope Francis in the UAE[17]). The campaign is created by the advertising group JCDecaux SA, paid for with money received from the UAE and Ali Hamad Al Shamsi, the newspaper Le Figaro and the far-right news magazine Valeurs Actuelles were also used[18].

The campaign aims to improve the image of the Emirates in Europe[19]. Ali Hamad al-Shamsi is a minister of state and the deputy secretary general of the Supreme National Security Council – the office considered responsible for murders, torture and forced disappearances of prisoners of conscience[20]. Al-Shamsi used Elies Ben Chedly as an intermediary between the two countries. As part of the Emirates’ cultural strategy, Ben Chedly also assisted the Arab nation in promoting the Louvre Abu Dhabi museum, which opened in 2017[21].

Between France and the Emirates

Publicity for the UAE Year of Tolerance in France, a project initiated by Ben Chedly[22]

The Emirates are linked to several countries through the arms trade. Also with France[23]. In November 2021, President Emmanuel Macron visited the UAE and returned after promising a multi-billion euro arms deal under which France provides Abu Dhabi with 80 Rafale jets worth €16 billion and 12 combat helicopters built by Airbus[24] – a company that ended up in 2016 at the centre of a scandal in Britain and France for fraud, corruption, and for paying illicit commissions of hundreds of millions of euros for the sale of its civil aircraft to Libya[25].

Prior to the agreement, the UAE was already Paris’ fifth largest customer: between 2011 and 2020 it spent EUR 4.7 billion on French arms[26]. Despite the fact that this is to the detriment of the population of this country, ruled by an autocratic and merciless theocracy, or to kill in Egypt, Libya or Yemen, France continues to sell arms, in defiance of all doubts[27].

N3in 2017, because of satellites and helicopters produced by the aerospace giant EADS (now Airbus) and sold to Kazakhstan, Ben Chedly was also indicted for violation of the embargo[28]. The magistrates uncovered a mysterious payment of 8.8 million euros made in 2009 by Airbus to an account in Singapore in the name of Caspian Corporation of Hong Kong and to a Swiss account (in Ben Chedly’s possession, used for crazy expenses for private jets, jewellery etc.) of LBC Consulting. Both companies are linked to Lyès Ben Chedly, and the contracts were signed in October 2009 during a visit by Sarkozy to Astana, thanks to the intermediation of Patokh Chodiev[29].

Other companies also gave Ben Chedly a mandate to act as an intermediary for arms sales to the Abu Dhabi-based International Golden Group (IGG) PJSC, created in 2002 by Fadel Al Kaabi, former CEO of Mohammed Bin Zayan Al Nahyan’s sovereign wealth fund Tawazun[30] and former deputy chief of staff of the armed forces, Mohammed Hilal Al Kaabi[31]. IGG specialises in providing high-end defence and security solutions to the UAE Armed Forces, Ministry of Interior and other security authorities in the country[32].

IGG was instrumental in the 2019 war against Tripoli (despite the Emirates always denying their involvement): in Libya, both France and the UAE supported Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army against the UN-backed government[33]. IGG delivered Chinese Wing Loong 2 drones (carrying Blue Arrow 7 missiles) to Haftar, which killed 26 unarmed cadets of the Military Academy in Tripoli. A BBC investigation also found evidence that Egypt is allowing the UAE to use Egyptian military airbases near the border with Libya[34]. According to Intelligence Online, the IGG is a key supporter of Haftar and is partly responsible for the procurement, in particular of Russian weaponry, including T-72 tanks, SA-3 systems and S-300 air defence batteries[35].

Offshore payments

Extract from the register of a company used by Ben Chedly to handle Airbus bribes for Kazakhstan[36]

IGG specialises in partnerships with Western defence companies such as Thales (France), BAE Systems (UK), Paramount (South Africa), Selex (Italy) and General Dynamics (US)[37], but buys and resells weapons globally: in 2011, for example, it supported rebel forces in Libya with Serbian-made weapons. In 2017 and 2018, IGG bought weapons from Krusic Valjevo, which has links to Serbian arms dealer Slobodan Tesic[38]. Mohammed Dahlan, Mohammed bin Zayed’s advisor, is also involved in this deal[39]. In addition, IGG has a partnership with Royal Group, the holding company belonging to the Emirati national security advisor Tahnoon Bin Zayed Al Nahyan[40].

It does not end there: Lyès Ben Chedly, as general manager of Udaïpur FZE, headquartered in the tax haven of Ras Al-Khaimah in Dubai, represented the interests of the Bulgarian government’s defence company (Hartford International Group OOD Sofia) to the Emirati government between January 2020 and February 2022[41]. In 2020, Udaïpur sold Bulgarian anti-tank mines and anti-tank missiles (ATGM Red Arrows) from Sri Lanka to IGG[42].

Two years earlier, in 2018 Ben Chedly (again as manager of Udaïpur FZE) obtains authorisation to represent Excalibur Army spol sro Praga, a leading Czech company in the field of military vehicles, weapons and equipment[43], to the Emirati government. The contract specifically covers the sale of F1 grenades, 43 BMP-2s (Soviet infantry fighting vehicles) and 150 T-72s (Soviet tanks) to government authorities. These deals are also made in cooperation with IGG[44]. The same year, another Prague company, Czech Defence System AS, used Ben Chedly to sell 100 DshK 12.7x108mm weapons (Soviet machine guns for heavy infantry) for $15.5 million. The offer was made to IGG[45]. In 2017, the Bulgarian defence company Alguns appointed Udaïpur FZE as its dealer in Iraq[46].

Lyès Ben Chedly has a deep knowledge of offshore havens. For ten years, he has used the services of Mossack y Fonseca to manage his own front companies through his Tunisian company, LBC Consulting Ltd[47]: on the island of Samoa (Jaipur Holding Ltd[48]), in the British Virgin Islands, in Panama (Talyo Technologies SA), in the Seychelles (Eurasian Investments Ltd[49]) and in Hong Kong. Through these companies, Lyès Ben Chedly also manages the confidential bank accounts, mainly in Swiss banks, necessary for his business[50]. Despite the secrecy guaranteed by the banks, Ben Chedly is under investigation on suspicion of complicity in smuggling between Tunisia, Panama and the British Virgin Islands[51].

28 February 2020: Ben Chedly with Russian Deputy Defence Minister Aleksandr Fomin[52]

As the scandal came to light, the names of several personalities, linked to politics, the media or business (including Ben Chedly’s mother, Leila Zaanoun[53]), involved in the scandal were revealed to the public in Tunisia: a criminal investigation was opened, the Tunisian parliament set up a commission of enquiry, but nothing happened, apart from a few interrogations: ‘Most of the suspects denied being linked to companies based in tax havens. Others provided additional documents related to the companies mentioned’[54]. But in Tunisia’s confused and precarious political and institutional situation, those who enjoy support in politics and administration can feel safe and untouchable.

Hence, Mr Ben Chedly continues his work as a lobbyist undisturbed, circulates in the halls of Brussels and the government rooms of individual nations, sells propaganda for individual states and, while he is at it, arms and ammunition. He is so self-confident that he has an open Facebook page where he celebrates his lifestyle and relationships. And, until politics puts a stop to this system, one has to believe that he is right.


[1] https://kapitalis.com/archive/187-kanal/29407-affaire-chourabi-guetari-le-coup-de-pouce-de-la-france

[2] https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064839136487&paipv=0&eav=AfZbnd0W-AlvFtMgUV0ovgwwYs9YYe9tZFMPmq0FmcItDF5w2bj9NgWGts862-vm2FE

[3] Profilo LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ly%C3%A8s-ben-ch%C3%A9dli%F0%9F%87%B9%F0%9F%87%B3%F0%9F%87%A6%F0%9F%87%AA%F0%9F%87%AB%F0%9F%87%B7%E6%AF%85%E6%AF%95%E6%80%9D-6ab2055a/details/education/

[4] Profilo LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ly%C3%A8s-ben-ch%C3%A9dli%F0%9F%87%B9%F0%9F%87%B3%F0%9F%87%A6%F0%9F%87%AA%F0%9F%87%AB%F0%9F%87%B7%E6%AF%85%E6%AF%95%E6%80%9D-6ab2055a/details/education/

[5] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 86

[6] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 86

[7] https://forbes.it/2019/11/18/chi-e-lakshmi-mittal-il-miliardario-a-capo-di-arcelormittal/

[8] https://www.africaintelligence.com/north-africa/2009/09/24/lyes-ben-chedli,70236354-bre ; https://www.nigrizia.it/notizia/africa-mauritania-abdel-aziz-presidente-processo-corruzione

[9] https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2013/06/04/libye-le-tres-protege-bachir-saleh_3423592_3224.html

[10] https://www.neweurasia.info/en/corruption1/1578-the-secret-kazakh-bung-worrying-airbus ; https://www.africaintelligence.com/north-africa/2008/04/17/lyes-ben-chedli,40573556-bre

[11] Le-Lobby-Anti-Qatar-1.pdf (ibiworld.eu), pages 30, 126-127

[12] https://twitter.com/lbenchedli?lang=it ; https://www.linkedin.com/in/ly%C3%A8s-ben-ch%C3%A9dli%F0%9F%87%B9%F0%9F%87%B3%F0%9F%87%A6%F0%9F%87%AA%F0%9F%87%AB%F0%9F%87%B7%E6%AF%85%E6%AF%95%E6%80%9D-6ab2055a/?originalSubdomain=ae

[13] https://www.neweurasia.info/en/corruption1/1578-the-secret-kazakh-bung-worrying-airbus

[14] https://www.rtbf.be/article/kazakhgate-georges-gilkinet-definitivement-condamne-pour-prejudice-moral-a-lencontre-du-milliardaire-patokh-chodiev-11131376 ; https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2018/03/28/parlementaire-onderzoekscommissie-kazachgate-bereikt-geen-unanim/ ; https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2018/04/27/kazachgate–patokh-chodiev-wil-verontschuldigingen-van-belgische/

[15] France-Emirats: une alliance militaire qui va poser de plus en plus de problèmes, https://french.almanar.com.lb/2228261

[16] https://www.moec.gov.ae/en/-/en/year-of-tolerance-1

[17] https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/travels/2019/outside/documents/papa-francesco-emiratiarabiuniti-2019.html ; https://www.claret.org/it/visita-storica-del-papa-francesco-agli-emirati-arabi-uniti/

[18] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 87-88

[19] https://pingback.com/storydrafts/promotion-campaigns-by-uae-france-middleman-reflects-result

[20] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 84, 88 ; https://menarights.org/en/case/hamad-al-shamsi

[21] https://pingback.com/storydrafts/promotion-campaigns-by-uae-france-middleman-reflects-result ; https://www.artribune.com/dal-mondo/2022/11/louvre-abu-dhabi-cinque-anni/

[22] https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=610803849529281&set=pcb.610803889529277

[23] YouTube: Elies Ben Chedly “An arms sales middleman behind the UAE’s ‘tolerance’ campaign in France”, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUjkZpdvPmc

[24] https://pingback.com/storydrafts/promotion-campaigns-by-uae-france-middleman-reflects-result ; https://www.quotidien-libre.fr/france-emirats-business-is-business/

[25] https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/airbus-faces-fresh-bribery-settlement-french-prosecutor-says-2022-10-25/ ; https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20221201-aviation-giant-airbus-settles-%E2%82%AC16-million-fine-to-halt-corruption-investigation

[26] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 44

[27] France-Emirats: une alliance militaire qui va poser de plus en plus de problèmes, https://french.almanar.com.lb/2228261

[28] https://www.macaubusiness.com/airbus-seeks-deal-with-french-prosecutors-in-corruption-probes/

[29] https://www.macaubusiness.com/airbus-seeks-deal-with-french-prosecutors-in-corruption-probes/ ; https://www.neweurasia.info/en/corruption1/1578-the-secret-kazakh-bung-worrying-airbus

[30] Intelligence Online (23 October 2013). “The Al Kaabi family, operating arm of the Emir of Abu Dhabi.” Intelligence Online. See more: https://www.intelligenceonline.com/insiders/middle-east/2013/10/23/the-al-kaabi-family-operating-arm-of-the-emir-of-abu-dhabi/107991230-be1

[31] Intelligence Online (23 October 2013). “The Al Kaabi family, operating arm of the Emir of Abu Dhabi.” Intelligence Online. See more: https://www.intelligenceonline.com/insiders/middle-east/2013/10/23/the-al-kaabi-family-operating-arm-of-the-emir-of-abu-dhabi/107991230-be1

[32] https://www.linkedin.com/company/igggroup/ ; http://www.iggroup.ae/subsidiary-eat.html

[33] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 44

[34] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-53917791

[35] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 44

[36] https://www.neweurasia.info/en/corruption1/1578-the-secret-kazakh-bung-worrying-airbus

[37] Intelligence Online (23 October 2013). “The Al Kaabi family, operating arm of the Emir of Abu Dhabi.” Intelligence Online. See more: https://www.intelligenceonline.com/insiders/middle-east/2013/10/23/the-al-kaabi-family-operating-arm-of-the-emir-of-abu-dhabi/107991230-be1

[38] Intelligence Online (7 October 2020). “International Golden Group key Emirati supporter of Haftar.” Intelligence Online. See more: https://www.intelligenceonline.com/international-dealmaking/2020/10/07/international-golden-group-key-emirati-supporter-of-haftar,109612017-gra

[39] https://ibiworld.eu/2021/11/28/mohammed-dahlan-sicario-del-re/ ; Intelligence Online (11 March 2015). “Qatar, UAE rivalry in Balkan States.” Intelligence Online, see more: https://www.intelligenceonline.com/government-intelligence/2015/03/11/qatar-uae-rivalry-in-balkan-states,108065296-gra

[40] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 45 ; https://www.gsn-online.com/news-centre/article/uae-mod-places-big-orders-armed-drones-well-connected-local

[41] Official web-site: https://www.universal-dsg.com/about-us/

[42] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 51

[43] Official web-site: https://www.excaliburarmy.cz/

[44] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 52

[45] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 52

[46] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 52

[47] https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/11011906

[48] https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/10001087

[49] https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/11011906

[50] https://inkyfada.com/fr/2017/11/13/paradis-fiscaux-panamapapers-swissleaks-paradisepapers-justice-tunisie/

[51] “Undue Influence” – an investigative report on foreign interference by the UAE in the democratic processes of the EU. By Droit au Droit, Pag. 86

[52] https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=610803012862698&set=pcb.610803889529277

[53] Panama Papers: società e personaggi tunisini citati dal sito ufficiale: https://www.lesemeurs.com/Lecture-zen-acv.aspx?ID=1462

[54] https://inkyfada.com/fr/2017/11/13/paradis-fiscaux-panamapapers-swissleaks-paradisepapers-justice-tunisie/

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