24 June 2021 in Dossier The New Cold War, Geopolitics


The earth is not at peace. The New Cold War is no longer the opposition between the United States and the Soviet Union as after World War II, but the conflict between various Arab countries which, thanks to oil, have gone from poverty to opulence in just two generations and today for the supremacy between them are fighting. The United Arab Emirates – a very small country – is in the control room of this conflict. Specifically, it is one family, that of Al-Nahyan, who founded the nation and now runs a ruthless dynastic monarchy with no respect for law and human rights in a global tribal struggle.

Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, founding father of the Emirates (1971), served as president until his death (November 2, 2004) as his first son, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan[1], whose political position on the uselessness of the Democracy has made it clear, “Why should we abandon a system that satisfies our people and introduce a system that only arouses dissent and confrontation?[2] The removal of the dialectic is total, as Human Rights Watch documents[3]: “In 2020, the UAE authorities continued to invest in a strategy of ‘soft power’ aimed at portraying the country as progressive, tolerant and compliant with the law. law, but its fierce intolerance of criticism is evident in the unjust imprisonment of human rights activist Ahmed Mansoor, academic Nasser bin Ghaith and other dissidents[4] who have been detained without trial or although they have served penalties.

To defend the rights of the strongest, the Al-Nahyan family formed in November 2010 a secret battalion of 800 Colombian, South African and other mercenaries (all strictly non-Muslim), led by Western officers and trained by American soldiers to retired and veterans of the special units of the German, British and French Foreign Legions[5]. An army built by Erik Prince, the founder of the mercenary multinational Blackwater Worldwide, thanks to the 529 million dollars transferred by Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan in consultation with the secret services of the United Arab Emirates and is now supposed to carry out special missions to inside and outside the country, to protect pipelines and skyscrapers from terrorist attacks and quell internal revolts[6].

Why is this happening? How is it possible that a piece of desert where less than 10 million people live has become a heap of unbridled luxury and the most inhuman oppression? According to Americans, this is the consequence of fear that arose with the Arab Spring of 2011, when Muslim monarchies feared they were about to be driven out of the unrest[7]. Added to this is the fear of the monarchical activities of Islam’s largest political group, the Muslim Brotherhood, which won democratic elections in Egypt[8].

But we think there is more: for example, the fear that the oil age is coming to an end because the great nations of the world (the European Union, China and the United States) are rapidly orienting themselves towards renewable energies. And another fear, just as justified, which relates to the first: the West and the East “endured” Islam as long as they needed oil. What will they do when this ends? Will the families of the monarchies continue to operate in global markets with the funds they have accumulated so far? If this view is correct, the Persian Gulf Cold War is the struggle to secure the post-oil post-oil benchmark position of the Arabs in the globalized world.

Who is in charge in Abu Dhabi?

One of the very rare photos in which the brothers Tahnoun (center) and Mohammed (right) appear together – in this case during the award ceremony of an excellent student who won a scholarship at the Sorbonne in Paris[9]

At the head of the United Arab Emirates is officially Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan (as the eldest son of the state’s founder, Zayed[10]), who is gravely ill and has practically disappeared from the public eye for seven years – that is, since he had ischemia[11]. Although Khalifa is still president, much of the day-to-day governance is shared between his sons, the most powerful of whom are Defense Ministers Mohammed Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan and his brother Tahnoun.

Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (born March 11, 1961), known colloquially by his initials MBZ, is considered the de facto ruler of the United Arab Emirates[12] and a man known to “be particularly effective in convincing Americans who are offered their advice. useful, rather than just defending their own family interests (which they usually do)[13]. In addition to lobbying the US government directly, the Sheikh leads a number of professional information initiatives aimed at promoting US public opinion, cultivating useful relationships with former senior officials. and senior officers of the U.S. military, members of Congress and prominent academic groups, prominent commentators and CEOs, many of whom earn a lot of money through trade deals, board seats, or corporate engagements as speaker[14].

An example: after the then US Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, signed an agreement (April 2014) which provided for the delivery of a dozen additional F-16s for 5 billion US dollars, 50 F- 35 Lightening II and 18 MQ-9 Predator were also sold, along with a huge supply of bombs and missiles totaling $ 10.4 billion for the F-35, $ ​​2.97 billion for drones and $ 10 billion additional dollars for the delivery of weapons for drones and planes[15].

During the years of Trump presidency, the UAE government influenced U.S. foreign policy[16] in return for massive real estate investments in Trump family businesses, in an exchange relationship with Trump’s inexperienced son-in-law. Jared Kushner, whose decisions have led to a number of unsavory disasters[17]: a) Without any pressure from the United States in relation to the war in Yemen, the conflict escalated and a humanitarian crisis got out of hand; (b) The Emirates have unleashed a crisis between Saudi Arabia and Qatar so serious that it is becoming a veritable armed conflict; c) Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri was allowed to be held hostage in Riyadh for several days in order to relinquish Iranian influence in Lebanese politics[18]. Trump never reacted.

February 10, 2018: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan sign bilateral agreements between the two countries [19]

Tahnoun bin Zayed Al Nahyan, born December 4, 1971, is (since February 14, 2016) National Security Advisor: a position that does not report to his brother Mohammed, the Minister of Defense and Chief of the Armed Forces[20], but directly to the Supreme Minister of National Security, that is to say the seven sheikhs who command each of the seven monarchies of the United Arab Emirates[21]. Simply put: Tahnoun is the one who is supposed to control the activities of Mohammed Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan on behalf of the monarchies.

Over the years, the two brothers have always behaved in harmony when involved in decision-making processes at the same time. A prime example: one of the UAE’s most important political and diplomatic partners is India, because Abu Dhabi is the country where millions of unemployed Indians work[22], the country in which the UAE invests in agriculture the most money[23], and that buys 75% of purchased exports to the Gulf States of the Indian population[24]. Nevertheless, diplomatic relations between the two countries have been strained for decades, with the last visit of an Indian head of state to Abu Dhabi in 1981, when India was ruled by Indira Gandhi[25].

Prime Minister Narendra Modi finally arrives in Dubai on August 16, 2015[26] to strengthen cooperation and security in key areas such as trade and energy[27]. The six Al-Nahyan brothers greet him[28] and the welcome dinner is offered by the ADIA Abu Dhabi Investment Authority under the leadership of Hamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan[29]. ADIA owns and manages sovereign wealth funds worth 800 billion US dollars, India needs money, and among the various speeches, those of Mohammed and Tahnoun are of the same content: We need security and support in our cyber-police operations (espionage) [30].

The results were obtained in 2018 when Modi spoke in Palestine and Oman before arriving in Abu Dhabi to explain the joint strategy of the UAE and India[31]. In return, a Hindu temple was built in Abu Dhabi[32] and a 10% stake in the UAE’s offshore oil fields was sold to India for 40 years[33]. India did more: in 2018, it signed an agreement with the Abu Dhabi National Oil Corporation to export oil stored in the Mangalore Strategic Petroleum Reserve[34], repealing a contract that had been a major source of revenue for the ‘Iran in previous years, which had the previous contract[35]. An important achievement thanks to the diplomatic cooperation of the Al-Nahyan brothers.

But this is not the most important one. The operation launched related to the so-called Murban Futures[36], which was led by ADNOC Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, the United Arab Emirates’ oil company, at the end of March 2021, is a rather significant change in the way the Emirates, which occupy the sixth place in the ranking of countries with world oil reserves[37], determine export prices. Murban is Abu Dhabi’s finest crude oil and accounts for more than half of the UAE’s total production. To put it simply: oil prices are set by the World Organization of Producing Countries (OPEC). When a state sells oil futures (i.e. contracts that fix a price for a commodity in the future), it means that it is selling oil while bypassing the restrictions of the OPEC – and that’s a revolutionary fact.

March 30, 2021: Large multinational oil companies join Al Nahyan family project on Murban Futures [38]

The Al-Nahyan brothers, who share a liberal vision of the world economy, are among the supporters of this project[39], as economist Amrita Sen confirms: “The announcement consolidates the movement of ADNOC, especially for light barrels. acids, as the most important reference expected for several years in the Middle East[40]. For a better understanding it should be noted that 90% of Murban’s oil production is absorbed by Asian markets[41], especially from the Chinese one[42].

Since the Chinese market is the most important for all the Gulf States, Abu Dhabi winks at the Mrban-Futures of other Arab countries as it can also allow them to bypass OPEC quotas and prices, which is the real goal of the Al-Nahyan family stands: to gain diplomatic, financial and military leadership over Muslim Asia[43]. A project that is still rated positively by many world oil companies. Proof of this is that as of March 4, 2021 nine companies (including BP, Shell, Total and Vitol) have already registered as shareholders of Murban Futures[44] on the new futures exchange market. Immediately after, two of China’s biggest importers of crude oil, Rongsheng and Unipec, followed suit[45]. The Al-Nahyan brothers only started this project after years of patiently storing crude oil to defy any reaction from their OPEC counterparts[46].

This is not the only coercion that exists against the OPEC states, as Venezuelan oil, especially since the Maduro regime is practically bankrupt, is the subject of speculative exchanges beyond the agreements who often hide behind the extortion of American and Chinese power are[47]. But even these violations are a boon for the Emirates: in 2020, according to Julio Borges, who was appointed its foreign relations commissioner by opposition leader Juan Guaido, Venezuela would have sent huge amounts of gold to Mali by Russian planes[48], which after the refining of the United Arab Emirates would have been bought for about 1 billion euros and then would have ended up in the coffers of Maduro[49].

The UAE company involved was allegedly Al Noor Capital, which bought three tons of gold from Venezuela’s central bank in early 2019 and then announced it would refrain from further transactions until the situation in Venezuela is stabilizing[50]. Founded by former Oil Minister Mana Saeed Al Otaiba, Noor Capital brings together companies from some of the UAE’s largest families in gold trading, real estate and technology[51]. One of the most influential leaders, Olivier Couriol, is embroiled in corruption, fraud and smuggling scandals[52].

The management chart of the companies of the Noor Capital group [53]

The Al Nahyan family have always paid close attention to France – perhaps because it is the country with the best ties with Qatar, resulting in the sale of football club Paris Saint Germain to the Qatar Investment Authority[54]. This corresponds to intensive lobbying by the Emirates in favor of the French far right of Marine Le Pen[55], which was funded by the Emirates during the last presidential election campaign[56]. For Ms. Le Pen, it is not only a question of donations, but also of a political strategy which led her to meet the representatives of the United Arab Emirates in her house in Montretout in July 2014[57] and, in May 2015, the Prime Minister of Egypt at the time Ibrahim Mahlab with other Egyptian political and religious leaders[58] and, surprisingly, on May 28, 2015, Egyptian Imam of al-Azhar, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayyib, at the headquarters of al-Azhar in Cairo[59].

A strategy that aims to bring Le Pen closer to Russia[60], to which the Emirates granted two loans totaling 12 million US dollars in 2014[61] and that considers Le Pen as the new Joan of Arc[62]. Le Pen’s party will receive 8 million euros in stake in a transaction between French businessman Laurent Foucher (who is very close to former President Nicolas Sarkozy)[63] and the Central African Republic[64] – a percentage which is collected then worn on the front by Al Noor. Capital National has received written approval from Olivier Couriol[65], for which the manager had trouble with the law[66].

Mubadala, EDGE Group and Royal Group, the Trinity of Evil

The huge and futuristic building that houses the headquarters of the Mubadala group in Abu Dhabi [67]

So far, what has been done jointly by Tahnoun and Mohammed has been fully demonstrated. Now the roles diverge and sometimes even seem to contradict each other, because the reality of today’s world is extremely complex. Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan took over the family military industry, the Mubadala Group, and transformed it into an investment finance company in which high tech, real estate and the insurance industry account for a large portion of sales of the group[68], and instead built a new company that EDGE group to bring together all the companies that concern security: electronic air and land defense systems, missiles and electronically controlled weapons, cybersecurity and cyber warfare, training of special forces with special weapons for open military missions or covert operations in the territory of others[69].

Much less well known, however, is the role of his brother Tahnoun. He also founded his industrial conglomerate, the Royal Group, which, without public opinion realizing it, has bought out numerous small companies in 90 countries around the world (it has nearly 28,000 employees) and is engaged in tourism[70], healthy fast food (the Popeye restaurant chain[71]), renewable energy[72] and health programs (also related to spiritualism and mysticism, especially due to Tahnoun’s great passion for jujitsu and martial arts based on self-control[73]) for high-end tourism[74].

But all this, without being clearly recognizable, has a military side. Not only because Tahnoun sponsors the IDEX military fair, which is organized annually by his brother Mohammed, but because he participates in it by offering psychological training and training services for special soldiers who are connected to robotic systems ( like Hollywood products Star Trek, Terminator or Robocop where the performers are partly male and partly machine)[75]. All this for the Emirates’ mercenaries and soldiers who work for EDIC, Muhammad’s company, which deals with military actions in Yemen and Libya, organized and carried out the coup d’état in Egypt against the Muslim Brotherhood and now controls the Egyptian society with terror[76].

What is most frightening is that in Abu Dhabi, under the protection of Tahnoun Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, all these military spy magnates and global mercenaries are working together today, like the American Erik Prince and Russian Kirill Dmitriev, who (for now) is responsible for the arrest, torture and murder of activists of all nationalities who go against the interests of the Emirates (such as Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi) and hired one of the most feared killers to run this very special service: the Director General and Director General of Muslim Ethnic Cleansing in the former Yugoslavia, Mohammed Dahlan[77], whom we will discuss in a future article.

All of this, of course, in the face of world public opinion, cannot be portrayed as a negligible aspect of the apparent pacifism that characterizes all of Mohammed Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan’s political and diplomatic propaganda. Mohammed and Tahnoun Bin Zayed al Nahyan play like two Hollywood characters the good brother and the bad brother and try to appear different and independent from each other. It is becoming more and more important that people all over the world know what is behind the appearance, that they are aware of it, that they question themselves and that they put pressure on their leaders, because these people are to be feared.


[1] https://web.archive.org/web/20190503194032/http://www.arabruleoflaw.org/countryprofiles/uae.html

[2] https://www.aiu.edu/applications/DocumentLibraryManager/upload/SAED%20FT.pdf pag.49

[3] https://translate.google.it/translate?hl=it&sl=en&u=https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2021/country-chapters/united-arab-emirates&prev=search&pto=aue

[4] https://translate.google.it/translate?hl=it&sl=en&u=https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2021/country-chapters/united-arab-emirates&prev=search&pto=aue

[5] https://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/15/world/middleeast/15prince.html?referringSource=articleShare ; https://translate.google.it/translate?hl=it&sl=en&u=https://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/15/world/middleeast/15prince.html&prev=search&pto=aue


[7] https://financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/why-the-cia-doesnt-spy-on-the-uae

[8] https://financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/why-the-cia-doesnt-spy-on-the-uae

[9] https://www.tellerreport.com/news/–mohammed-bin-zayed–the-leadership-of-the-state-is-keen-to-enable-the-%C2%ABowners-of-concern%C2%BB-and-their-integration-into-society-.rkeEE1COX.html

[10] https://u.ae/en/about-the-uae/the-uae-government/government-leaders/hh-sheikh-khalifa-bin-zayed-al-nahyan

[11] https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/sheikh-khalifa-stable-after-recovering-from-stroke-1.686381

[12] https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/uae-leader-returns-after-lengthy-unexplained-absence

[13] https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/jamal-khashoggi-and-us-saudi-relationship/572905/

[14] https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/jamal-khashoggi-and-us-saudi-relationship/572905/

[15] https://aresdifesa.it/50-f-35-e-18-mq-9b-armati-agli-emirati-arabi-uniti-per-23-miliardi-di-dollari/

[16] https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/jamal-khashoggi-and-us-saudi-relationship/572905/

[17] https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/jamal-khashoggi-and-us-saudi-relationship/572905/

[18] https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/jamal-khashoggi-and-us-saudi-relationship/572905/

[19] https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/pm-meets-crown-prince-of-abu-dhabi-india-uae-sign-5-pacts/articleshow/62867027.cms

[20] https://uaecabinet.ae/en/details/news/president-names-tahnoun-bin-zayed-as-national-security-advisor

[21] https://uaecabinet.ae/en/federal-supreme-council

[22] https://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-india-thanks-uae-for-support-at-oic-2838132

[23] https://www.khaleejtimes.com/business/uae-shows-interest-to-invest-in-agriculture-sector-of-india

[24] https://www.khaleejtimes.com/business/uae-shows-interest-to-invest-in-agriculture-sector-of-india

[25] https://www.arabianbusiness.com/indian-prime-minister-visit-uae-in-march-reports-491154.html

[26] https://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/pm-narendra-modi-arrives-in-uae-for-two-day-visit/ ; https://www.thehindu.com/news/live-prime-minister-narendra-modi-at-abu-dhabi/article10318295.ece

[27] https://www.news18.com/news/india/pm-modi-arrives-in-uae-for-two-day-visit-1040574.html

[28] https://www.news18.com/news/india/pm-modi-arrives-in-uae-for-two-day-visit-1040574.html

[29] https://www.news18.com/news/india/pm-modi-arrives-in-uae-for-two-day-visit-1040574.html

[30] https://www.news18.com/news/india/pm-modi-arrives-in-uae-for-two-day-visit-1040574.html

[31] https://www.news18.com/news/india/pm-narendra-modi-to-continue-his-temple-run-during-his-west-asia-tour-1651003.html

[32] https://www.news18.com/news/india/pm-narendra-modi-to-continue-his-temple-run-during-his-west-asia-tour-1651003.html

[33] https://www.gktoday.in/current-affairs/india-uae-defence-cooperation-enhanced-through-joint-production/

[34] https://www.gktoday.in/current-affairs/india-uae-defence-cooperation-enhanced-through-joint-production/

[35] https://www.gktoday.in/current-affairs/india-uae-defence-cooperation-enhanced-through-joint-production/

[36] https://www.theice.com/products/75443578/Murban-Crude-Oil-Futures per i dettagli tecnici

[37] https://gulfnews.com/business/energy/7-billion-barrels-of-oil-found-in-new-abu-dhabi-reserves-uae-in-sixth-position-in-global-oil-reserves-1.67603727

[38] https://pulsenews.co.kr/view.php?sc=30800028&year=2021&no=302065

[39] https://www.ft.com/content/ce09911b-041d-4651-9bbb-d2a16d39ede7

[40] https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/04/murban-futures-aim-to-consolidate-uae-position-as-global-oil-power.html

[41] https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/04/murban-futures-aim-to-consolidate-uae-position-as-global-oil-power.html

[42] https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/04/murban-futures-aim-to-consolidate-uae-position-as-global-oil-power.html

[43] https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/04/murban-futures-aim-to-consolidate-uae-position-as-global-oil-power.html

[44] https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/04/murban-futures-aim-to-consolidate-uae-position-as-global-oil-power.html

[45] https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/04/murban-futures-aim-to-consolidate-uae-position-as-global-oil-power.html

[46] https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/04/murban-futures-aim-to-consolidate-uae-position-as-global-oil-power.html

[47] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-22/china-imports-oil-doctored-to-skirt-u-s-sanctions-on-venezuela

[48] https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2021-03-03/mali-emirates-facilitated-venezuelan-gold-trade-in-2020-opposition-says

[49] https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2021-03-03/mali-emirates-facilitated-venezuelan-gold-trade-in-2020-opposition-says ; https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2175951193768/mali-emirates-facilitated-venezuelan-gold-trade-in-2020-opposition-says

[50] https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2021-03-03/mali-emirates-facilitated-venezuelan-gold-trade-in-2020-opposition-says

[51] https://www.intelligenceonline.com/insiders/united-arab-emirates/2019/08/26/who-runs-noor-capital-the-emirati-fund-managed-by-olivier-couriol/108368608-be1

[52] https://medium.com/@simonperquis/meet-olivier-couriol-the-swiss-banker-behind-the-malian-airbus-scandal-848e55e28c28 ; https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2017-07-13/airbus-stake-in-mali-mine-after-zigzag-draws-swiss-scrutiny ; https://www.intelligenceonline.fr/grands-contrats/2017/09/06/olivier-couriol-le-voltigeur-de-la-finance-offshore-du-cac-40,108260214-art ; https://medium.com/@mamadou.ouedraogo/olivier-couriol-the-name-to-know-in-corruption-cases-in-nigeria-and-mali-8cc792df6dfc

[53] https://www.intelligenceonline.com/insiders/united-arab-emirates/2019/08/26/who-runs-noor-capital-the-emirati-fund-managed-by-olivier-couriol/108368608-be1

[54] https://www.lesechos.fr/2012/03/le-qatar-detient-desormais-100-du-psg-371467

[55] https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/The-United-Arab-Emirates-Fund-Frances-Far-Right-National-Front-20161027-0026.html

[56] https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/The-United-Arab-Emirates-Fund-Frances-Far-Right-National-Front-20161027-0026.html

[57] https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/The-United-Arab-Emirates-Fund-Frances-Far-Right-National-Front-20161027-0026.html

[58] https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/The-United-Arab-Emirates-Fund-Frances-Far-Right-National-Front-20161027-0026.html

[59] https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/The-United-Arab-Emirates-Fund-Frances-Far-Right-National-Front-20161027-0026.html

[60] https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/The-United-Arab-Emirates-Fund-Frances-Far-Right-National-Front-20161027-0026.html

[61] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39478066

[62] https://formiche.net/2017/03/cosa-si-sono-detti-davvero-marine-le-pen-e-vladimir-putin-a-mosca/

[63] https://www.mediapart.fr/en/journal/france/061019/8-million-euro-loan-uae-bank-saved-marine-le-pens-far-right-party?onglet=full

[64] https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2019-10-04—a-dramatic-investigation—-money-transferred-from-the-uae-saved-the-extreme-right-in-france-.rJV4yigH_H.html

[65] https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2019-10-04—a-dramatic-investigation—-money-transferred-from-the-uae-saved-the-extreme-right-in-france-.rJV4yigH_H.html

[66] https://www.yabiladi.com/articles/details/83999/affairistes-francais-banques-emiraties-rescousse.html

[67] https://www.zawya.com/mena/en/wealth/story/Abu_Dhabis_Mubadala_posts_record_annual_income_and_investment-TR20210506nL1N2MT0CUX1/

[68] https://www.mubadala.com/en/who-we-are/corporate-structure

[69] https://edgegroup.ae/

[70] http://www.royalgroupuae.com/about-people.html

[71] https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2019-10-14—%22Tahnoun-bin-zayed%22—-what-do-you-know-about-the-shadow-prince-in-the-uae–.BJ_22kMFr.html

[72] http://www.royalgroupuae.com/about-environment.html ; http://www.royalgroupuae.com/about-green.html

[73] https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2019-10-14—%22Tahnoun-bin-zayed%22—-what-do-you-know-about-the-shadow-prince-in-the-uae–.BJ_22kMFr.html

[74] http://www.royalgroupuae.com/about-living.html

[75] https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2019-10-14—%22Tahnoun-bin-zayed%22—-what-do-you-know-about-the-shadow-prince-in-the-uae–.BJ_22kMFr.html

[76] https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2019-10-14—%22Tahnoun-bin-zayed%22—-what-do-you-know-about-the-shadow-prince-in-the-uae–.BJ_22kMFr.html

[77] https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2019-10-14—%22Tahnoun-bin-zayed%22—-what-do-you-know-about-the-shadow-prince-in-the-uae–.BJ_22kMFr.html

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